Music to My Ears

music i hear

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Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness

Latest Release

still growing | 2022

More Music close to my heart

Mijo Maberry released his first full album this month. Golden is nine songs written and produced by him. Here is  a fan link to all the ways to enjoy it. GOLDEN – Maberry   In his words, ” Maberry as a project has existed for almost 3 years now and one of the main goals when I started was always to release my first album”  Take a listen and let us know what you think. Follow him @soymaberry Paz on instagram. Also enjoy the marvelous album art by Daniela Paz Talamantes also on instagram @danielapazcat

music i hear

take a listen

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness

Latest Release

still growing | 2022

Music close to my heart

In 2018, I discovered a new artist. An artist who creates it all from the words to the production. He is some one with whom I am very familiar. In the spirit of full disclosure, I must let ya’ll know, I gave birth to him. His only musical talents I was familiar with were his years of piano lessons, which in all honesty had its up and downs. The sign I missed was that he finished strong. In his final year with his piano teacher of 12 years he chose his own music and arranged it.  Also I failed to see that as he added instruments over the years, that it would lead to him being his own string section. 

Here, he is a full on songwriter, vocalist, and musician. He is also the one that does the majority of the production for his music and music videos. He has occasionally collaborated with another musician. They find each other on social media and Spotify. It seems to be quite the community for music. 

It has been one of the greatest joys in my life to discover his music as it is released and gets heard by people I know and don’t know. To the left is my personal play list of Mijo’s songs. He tells me there are more to come this fall. I look forward to it and will continue to be ever so proud.